Module IP2NAME

    About the module

    The IP2NAME module allows you to automatically create aliases for IP addresses based on a CSV file.


    • Create aliases automatically to IP addresses


    Go to the "Manager modules", find IP2NAME and click on the "Install" link.

    Next, go to the module directory, there you need to configure config.php. Parameters:

    № p / p Name Description
    1 ip2name_file File for processing. This file must contain pairs of IP address and delimited alias name. One pair per line.
    2 ip2name_separator Separator pairs for processing. The default is a semicolon (;)

    An example of a pair for processing:;Ivanov Ivan;Petrov Peter

    An example file ip2name_example.csv is located in the directory with the module.

    After the file is generated, you need to go to the Screen Squid web interface and open the IP2NAME module. To start processing the file, click on the link "Get username from file". After some time of the script execution, aliases will be created in the database, according to the file.

    Ideas, bugs, questions?

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