Module dbDaemon

    About the module

    The dbDaemon module allows you to write Squid logs directly to the database, without access.log, and process them on the fly.


    • Logging directly to the database without writing to the file


    Go to the "Manager modules", find dbDaemon and click on the "Install" link.

    The script is used to implement the Squid log entry write directly in the database. It must be added as a log processing daemon in squid.conf.

    As with other Screen Squid perl scripts, you need to configure a database connection.

    In order for the daemon to work, make changes to squid.conf:

    #log to daemon
    access_log daemon: squid
    logfile_daemon /path/to/script/

    If you want to save the output to the access.log file, add another line:

    #this is default. Log to file.
    access_log stdio: /path/to/log/access.log squid

    Remember to specify the correct / path / to / script and / path / to / log /

    Reboot Squid.

    After that, the scsq_mod_dbDaemon table will begin to fill with data from Squid.

    The second step is to configure

    As with other Screen Squid perl scripts, you need to configure a database connection.

    After that add to cron. Run it no more than once every five minutes.

    Important Notice

    Using the classic and together on the same base is unacceptable. Duplication of data is possible.

    Ideas, bugs, questions?

    Feel free to contact us